Microbiome in Oncology Symposium
November 10, 2021
Location:Koch Auditorium, 500 Main Street Cambridge, MA

The Center for Microbiome Informatics and Therapeutics (CMIT) and the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research (KI) will host a joint symposium on Wednesday, November 10th, 2021.
The Microbiome in Oncology Symposium will bring together researchers from KI and CMIT with varied approaches to understanding the interplay between diet and lifestyle factors, the microbiome, and host biology in the context of health and disease. And Senior VP of Research at Finch Therapeutics, Dr. Sonia Timberlake, will join us for an inspiring keynote on present opportunities for technical innovation and clinical impact at the interface of microbiome and oncology research.
An outdoor reception will immediately follow, providing networking opportunities for investigators and trainees from both research centers.
NOTE: Attendees are required to register through Eventbrite in advance. Attendance will be managed through the MIT COVIDpass system. All in-person attendees must be a registered COVIDpass user OR non-MIT affiliates must register for a Tim Ticket.
Program Overview
Keynote Address
Sonia Timberlake, PhD
Senior VP of Research, Finch Therapeutics
Research Presentations
Ă–mer H. Yilmaz, MD, PhD
Eisen and Chang Career Development Professor
Associate Professor of Biology
Mathilde Poyet, PhD and Mathieu Groussin, PhD
Post-doctoral Fellows, MIT BE
Scientific Directors & Founders, Global Microbiome Conservancy
Laura Kiessling, PhD
Novartis Professor of Chemistry