
cGAS-like enzymes in human immunity and bacteria–host signaling

June 7, 2018

Dr. Philip J. Kranzusch, (Harvard Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)
CMIT sponsored Third Annual MIT-Harvard Microbiome Symposium

March 21, 2018

Keynote Presentations: Dr. Ami Bhatt, Stanford University Dr. Julia Oh, Jackson Laboratory Agenda:
Maternal gut bacteria, inflammation and neurodevelopmental disorder

February 1, 2018

Dr. Jun Huh, Ph.D. (Harvard Medical School)
CMIT Anniversary Symposium and CSIBD Symposium

November 3, 2017

Ecosystems to Molecules – Leveraging the Human Microbiome to Improve Understanding and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Disease

May 4, 2017

Dr. Susan Lynch, (Director of the Microbiome Research Core, and Associate Director of the Microbiome in Inflammatory Disease Program University of California San Francisco, Division of Gastroenterology)
An Engineering Design Approach to Immunoassays

April 3, 2017

Dr. Hadley D. Sikes, (Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT)
CMIT-sponsored, Second MIT-Harvard Microbiome Symposium, Health and Ventures in the Microbiome

March 22, 2017

Keynote Speakers: Dr. Rachel Carmody, Harvard University, Dietary Manipulation of the Gut Microbiome” Dr. Jasmohan Bajaj, Virginia Commonwealth University, Gut-Brain Axis Perturbations in Liver Cirrhosis
CMIT and Simons Center for Data Analysis Second Workshop on Challenges in Microbiome Data Analysis

February 16, 2017

Keynote Speakers: Bonnie Berger (MIT) and Wolfgang Huber (EMBL)
February 16, 2017